Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version
Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version

mod fallout new vegas pc steam version
  1. #Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version how to
  2. #Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version install
  3. #Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version mod
  4. #Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version windows

I can not stress enough that it is only recommended to add your own mods if you are an experienced modder and know how to manually If you do plan on adding mods after you finish the guide, please reference this list of mods that you should avoid using.

#Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version install

Unfortunately, I do not have the time or energy to provide support for setups that install extra mods on top of the guide. If you are looking to add more mods to your setup, please wait until after you have completed the guide, or else we will be unable to help you on Discord should you need it.

#Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version windows

  • A text editor (I recommend Notepad++, but the default Windows notepad will work).
  • The and Xbox Gamepass versions of the game are also unsupported, as they do not work with xNVSE which is essential for most mods.
  • Only the English version of the game is supported for maximum compatibility.
  • An English copy of the game with all DLCs from either Steam or GOG (instructions for properly installing it are in the next step).
  • Hand-made load order and patches will be provided, and they will work perfectly even if you left out any mods.įor information regarding adding your own mods, see the Additional Mods section below.

    #Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version mod

    The guide is fully modular, every mod listed is 100% optional. When needed, the guide will provide custom mods, addendums to existing mods, or patches for mods to make them compatible and consistent with the guide. This section is not recommended for first time players. This section is highlighted by JSawyer Ultimate Edition and The Living Desert. There is also an optional Overhauls section that will make the game much more difficult and add some new vanilla-friendly content. This section is highlighted by Real Recoil and Just Assorted Mods. The guide includes many mods that greatly improve the gameplay, without drastically overhauling the core experience or straying away from the game's original intent. No 4k texture mods, no ENBs, no poorly scripted mods, or any other un-optimized/broken mods. With a complete install of the guide, you should have zero crashes! Of course there are no guarantees with New Vegas though.Įvery tool, setting, and mod in the guide has been carefully selected and play-tested to ensure maximum possible performance. It is expected for you to be relatively experienced with operating a computer in general.ĭon't let crashing be a core feature of the game anymore! The guide includes all essential stability enhancements and no placebo/dangerous mods. Although you don't need any modding experience to use this guide, There are many small instructions that are vital for your game to function, and could be easily missed if you aren't careful.

    mod fallout new vegas pc steam version

    It still is incredibly important that you read all the instructions very carefully, even if you believe you are experienced enough to skip them. The guide is highly accessible for everyone, no matter your modding experience. Mods are subjective, so every mod listed in the guide is 100% optional.Ĭustom patches and a hand-made load order and will be provided for the guide, and they will still work if you skipped any mods.

    mod fallout new vegas pc steam version

    Unlike other modding guides, it is built with customization in mind.

    mod fallout new vegas pc steam version

    Viva New Vegas is a modding guide for Fallout New Vegas that will carefully walk you through how to install all the mods you will need for a perfectly stable, smooth, and most importantly, enjoyable experience. You can NOT skip any paragraphs/instructions and expect your game to function as it should. IMPORTANT: Everything in this guide is written down for a reason! It is vital to read everything! Welcome to Viva New Vegas, a fully modular vanilla-plus modding guide for Fallout New Vegas!

    Mod fallout new vegas pc steam version